What do YOU want to make?

What do YOU want to make?

We often ask ourselves: “What do we want?”  If I ask you about what you want I’m sure a whole list of things come to mind.  If you’re like me, maybe you’d answer: a new cute and functional crossbody bag, an 85mm f1.2 lens, or a week’s vacation at a lake house in Maine.  But how about we add an important word at the end of that question and change it to “What do we want to make”?  It changes our perspective away from a place of consumption and over to a place of creation.  Along with that comes all sorts of empowering and inspiring things: control, experience, improvement, and growth.  Instead of thinking about what we want to have or want to do, thinking about what we want to make opens up a whole very fulfilling journey, and one that can be shared with others.

I’d love to encourage you to think about what you’d like to make.  Let yourself dream!  You could make new memories for your family, make a deeper understanding about people different than you, make something in your community better, make a new relationship or make something beautiful to enjoy with a friend.

I want to challenge you to think about what you’d love to make, with no expectations, plans or limitations.  And when that little voice saying “you can’t do that because….” creeps into your thoughts, shut it down!  And then, go tell someone what you’d love to make!  That’s your first step towards making your next creation a reality!

Emily BrunnerComment